The Hotshot Certificate Program: Custom Learning Tracks for Associates and Donations to Charities
By Sarah Levine

See how dozens of firms support on-demand learning for associates while raising money for their favorite charities.
Now that 2023 summer associate programs have ended, we’re happy to say that this year’s Summer Certification Program was the most successful one yet. Dozens of firms participated, hundreds of summer associates completed learning tracks, and thousands of dollars were raised for charities.
We’re now busy working with firms to create custom learning tracks for their fall associates.
Overview of the Program
We started offering the certification programs a few years ago and have watched them become more popular every year since. Participating in the programs is easy for firms and associates.
- Participating firms create custom, self-paced learning tracks by picking Hotshot courses most relevant to the particular firm, practice group, and associates. We also offer tracks for paralegals and other legal professionals!
- Associates use the tracks as a just-in-time learning resource, watching the courses on their own time and at their own pace.
- When a track is a completed, the associate earns a firm-branded certificate of completion and Hotshot makes a donation to a charity of the firm’s choice. Some firms have the associates vote on which charity to pick.
Because the tracks are so customizable, every learning track can cover as little or as much ground in business, litigation, and corporate topics as makes sense for each firm’s needs. For example, a firm might develop:
- A Corporate Certificate track that introduces summers or first-year associates to key concepts in M&A, restructuring, and commercial lending practice areas;
- A Litigation Certificate track that introduces summers or first-year associates to concepts like discovery, motion practice, doc review, and financial aspects of litigation practice; and
- A Securities Offerings Certificate track that introduces summers or first-year associates to US securities laws, the IPO process, and other key concepts in securities practice.
We think that’s all part of why the Summer Certification program—along with the Fall Certification program—continue to be so popular with both firms and associates. It’s also why we’re looking forward again to helping firms put together custom tracks for the incoming 2023 fall class of first-year associates.
And if your firm is interested in participating in this year’s fall program, we can help you get started too. As always, we do the heavy lifting—providing rollout email templates, tracking usage, issuing certificates, and donating to charities.
All you have to do is get in touch, and we’ll help take care of the rest.
If you’re interested in participating in the Hotshot Fall Certification program, Contact Us to get started. we can help you get started today.