Pictionary and Caps & Baskets at Cooley
By Caitie McCarthy

Cooley wanted to run a training session on caps & baskets — important M&A concepts that corporate lawyers need to understand but are rarely taught in law school. Instead of delivering what would have been a boring lecture on a dry topic, here’s what they did.
- All of the summers were told to watch Hotshot’s 4-minute video on caps and baskets.
- Two days later during their summer associate training event, the firm divided the summers into teams to compete in a version of “Pictionary”—groups worked together to create drawings of the concepts, racing against the other teams.
- Each team was given a copy of the Hotshot outline covering the key concepts from the video for reference.
- When the buzzer sounded, each group sent a representative to the front to explain their drawing and lobby the Cooley M&A lawyer, who was the judge for the contest. The M&A lawyer provided color commentary and chose a winner.
- People got to learn from each other and truly understand the concept.
- Everyone had a lot of laughs—and there was no boring lecture!
This is a great example of how firms are using digital learning to flip the classroom and design more engaging, effective training sessions.