Khan Academy and the LSAT
By Ian Nelson

Khan Academy’s move to offer LSAT test prep is a major step forward in bringing modern learning to legal.
Anyone interested in legal education or training should be fascinated by the recent announcement about Khan Academy’s partnership with the Law School Admission Council to offer test prep for the LSAT. (If you’re not familiar with Khan Academy and the impact they’ve had on online education, you can learn more about them here.)
What struck me most about this news is that while Khan Academy’s LSAT test prep will be available in 2018, they’ve been offering SAT test prep for the past year and during that time over 3 million students have already used the program.
Think about that and its implications for legal education and training.
When students and associates arrive at law schools and firms after relying on just-in-time videos and interactive learning for their school work, the SAT, college courses and now the LSAT, how do you think they’ll expect to receive their training? Hours of long, boring training programs and lectures?
We don’t think so, and a growing number of firms and schools don’t think so either.
Live training programs are still very important, but they can no longer stand alone as the exclusive learning option. We repeatedly hear how new associates are joining firms and asking for short videos and other modern resources. Not only are they important for appealing to different learning styles, but they’re becoming important for recruiting and attorney satisfaction.
This latest development involving Khan Academy and the LSAT is a powerful example of not just where things are headed – but where they are today.
[Related: Why Just in Time Video is Perfect for Legal]