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Hotshot PD, Resources for legal professional development

Training Ideas

Building Fundamentals Before Automation at Wilson Sonsini

By Ian Nelson

Wilson Sonsini Case Study

This case study, excerpted from Hotshot's white paper "Training Lawyers for the Age of AI," highlights how Wilson Sonsini builds associates' mastery of fundamental concepts through experiential learning before introducing automation tools, ensuring they could confidently navigate nuances and client-specific variations.

Wilson Sonsini demonstrates how experiential learning can prepare associates for technology-enabled practice by first ensuring they master fundamental concepts. The firm developed an incorporation automation platform and, rather than immediately giving associates access to it, the firm created a hands-on training program to help associates build essential knowledge and judgment.

The Challenge

Partners and senior attorneys at Wilson Sonsini identified a critical need: associates using Neuron, their proprietary incorporation automation platform for early-stage clients, were sometimes struggling to evaluate automated outputs effectively. "Associates were having a harder time understanding what's market or what are typical terms within an incorporation request," explains Martha Frabizio, Senior Manager of Legal Education, "and if a client deviated from standard terms, they weren’t always easily able to identify issues." The firm recognized that before associates could effectively use automation tools, they needed deeper understanding of incorporation fundamentals and market practices.

The Solution: A Comprehensive Learning Approach

The program begins with foundational learning, where associates review Hotshot videos covering incorporation basics and corporate governance fundamentals, along with internally created materials. This pre-work ensures everyone starts with a solid understanding of key concepts.

The experiential component then unfolds in two phases. In Phase One, associates analyze mock client incorporation requests, working individually to identify potential issues and develop client advice. They then meet in small office-based groups with senior attorneys who guide detailed discussions using prepared materials to ensure consistent learning across the firm.

Phase Two moves to hands-on practice, where associates draft incorporation documents "the old school way." Working from the firm's standard forms and a detailed client questionnaire, associates prepare document sets without using automation tools. After submitting their redlines, they review model answers and participate in a second round of small group discussions focused on market terms and standard practices.

Program Design and Impact

The program's effectiveness stems from several key elements: tailored small group discussions that enable robust dialog, peer-to-peer learning, and multiple touchpoints for reinforcing concepts. The format creates natural mentoring opportunities while ensuring associates develop strong foundational knowledge.

Partner support has been strong because the business need is clear—associates who understand the fundamentals make better use of automation tools and can spot potential issues more effectively. "It's important to explain thoughtfully to them why we're making you do this before we unleash you on the platform," notes Frabizio.

Building on this model's success, the firm plans to continue to offer this program to future first-year associates and has plans to expand this type of program to venture financing work and create programs aimed at more experienced associates.

Integration with Interactive Learning

The incorporation training program is part of Wilson Sonsini's broader approach to associate development. "We use a mix of learning tools to support different training needs," explains Sally Raggio, Director of Legal Education & Development. For example, the firm strategically deploys on-demand learning through Hotshot for a variety of topics and practice areas, as well as platforms like Praktio for skills like due diligence and contract drafting, either as required elements or optional supplements depending on the topic. This multi-modal approach ensures associates can continue developing their skills independently or as part of more structured training programs.

Want to discover more insights on how leading law firms are adapting their associate development programs for the age of AI? Download our complete white paper "Training Lawyers for the Age of AI" to explore comprehensive frameworks, best practices, and additional case studies from innovative firms.